
General description

Throughout my career I have carried out several projects. Most of them were based on data analysis and data processing. I have worked with images, time sequences and audio and video signals. I have used tools such as Python (matplotlib and numpy libraries), Matlab and Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning and Deep Learning).

I know how to handle and analyze data, as well as reach conclusions once the data is processed. In addition, all projects had associated a detailed report about progress and results.

Recognition of digits written by SVM

Group project based on data analysis of written digits images. The aim of this project was to classify the data in the best possible way using Support Vector Machine technology.

Make and submit a report considering:

  • Detailed process of the study.
  • Experiments conducted.
  • Critical decisions of the project.
  • Data and results obtained.

Scene recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks

Project developed in Python code based on image analysis from a database of places (parks, kitchens, streets, etc.). The aim was to observe the variation of the results depending on different parameters like architecture type, image size, filters size, number of network layers, activation functions, etc.

Final degree project: melanoma detection using Convolutional Neural Networks

The goal of my project is to analyze images of different moles and determine whether they are malignant or benign by using artificial intelligence. I am using an ISIC (International Skin Imaging Collaboration) dataset and I am trying to see the differences between distinct architectures. In addition, I am conducting a previous study of these architectures and an adaptation to my dataset.

I am developing the whole code in Python. Some libraries I am using are: os, PIL, numpy, sklearn, matplotlib, tensorflow, etc.

Telefonica projects

Development of network process automation projects using NSO (Network Services Orchestrator). I have used yang language for the services modeling and Python for the services logic.

Management Solutions projects

Analysis, design and development of a data analytics project based on Python (PySpark library). From the requirements, the objective is to design the input and output of data with the aim of verifying quality based on defined rules and restrictions. These data are displayed in a visualization portal.