Personal information

Hello there! Eugenio here! In this section I am going to share some more personal details about myself. In my spare time I love watching movies, listening to music (especially soundtracks), playing video games with my friends, doing sport, learning about physics, and traveling.

I am keen on sports. I love running, going to the gym, snowboarding and anything underwater-related. For me It is a way to disconnect.

In addition, traveling is my passion. It is the best way to know about the culture of other countries. I have visited some pretty places like Zurich, Florence, Milan, Paris, and Marseille. It is my dream to travel more and see the world. If we mix traveling with some snowboarding and water activities, we have a perfect recipe for a good time. Is the best way to know about the culture of other countries.

I am also super into physics. I enjoy watching educational videos, especially the ones about the cosmos.

I am looking for an enterprise where I can develop my professional carrier!!